This is the little corner of our world where we share with you our thoughts on some great sheds and cubbies we have worked on.
Here is a very cute little shed we build for Anna in January.
Just big enough for a bit of storage and keeping the bike out of the weather.
And small enough to fit in a productive garden.
Very practical! Skillion roof and lots of windows. This shed is a little longer than usual at 4.5m but by reducing the width, we could remain under the 10 square metres rule.
What a great looking shed!
a triple zigzag in beautiful Melbourne!
Because of the sloping block, the shed was raised off the garden bed. It only been assembled and it already blends in very nicely.
Here is a gorgeous little SNOOPY cubby for a very lucky little girl.
The before and after shots give a good idea of what a little imagination can do.
The SNOOPY is a full size cubby, meaning that a grown up can stand up comfortably inside
Very recently, we have installed a super shed in a beachy suburb of Melbourne.
The section on the left is set up as a chicken coop, with a little trap door at the bottom and a human size door to go and collect eggs.
On the right side, behind some double doors, is a garden shed.
The whole lot overlooks a beautiful productive garden, and to enjoy it at the end of the day, a wide verandah provides shelter just over the rosemary bushes.
If you like it and want to share your thoughts with us, why not give us a call on (03) 9489 4377?